한국일보 애틀랜타 전자신문

2023년 9월 14일 (목요일) C3 연예 =KJTKYJG_ 9KVZKSHKX ' ᫜ὔ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭ ≘ῲ •ᘯ ᮄᐋ⃜ ┨ᒷ ⒒᤺ ᙭᢯Ἁ⚈῵⃜ ◆ុῡ ┩ ‡ឱ ῴ₈┩‡ឱẢ᜗⚉ᐳ᫑ᫎ┷᜗ ῵ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭῭ ᴀᴁ᱗ ᓛᤝἋ⎩ ⎳ῴᨋ⑈ᜀ ᐾᶰ Ὼ​ῡ ⏇┰⚈ᓬ☍ ẘ᢭᫜ὔᏧᱣ⃚ἑ ⃃┨ᒷ‍┨ᶯ ‣ ⋁ᒼ៥ᘢ᧤ ᧮៣ ᮤᱣ⃚᢭ᜀ ᙗ ῲ᫊῭ ⋉⑾Ἁ ᏧῺ┧Ἔᐳ ᓛ ῵ὠ ៥ᑀẘὗ᥀᜶ᐓῠ᱗ᶳ⚉ῲ᢭᨟᳛ឱ ⚈ᓬ☍ẘ᢭᫜ὔᜀ῵⃜◆ុῡ┩‡ ῲ Ả῞᨝ ῵⃜῞᥆ ◆ុ┩ ₅Ἁ ᜩ ┰ ῴ₈┩ ‡ឱ ┨ᒷ⒒᤺Ἁ Ꮷᜡ┩ ‡ឱẢ᜗⚉ᐳ᫔╓᜗ ṿ᳛ ᏶ῠᘯἉᜀ ᧻∜ ៬ᶦ⑪⊿Ꮷ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭Ꮷ┨ᒷ⒒᤺ῡ῵ᱟᜀ῵⃜ ᨦΌ⚆ᮤᱣ⃚⚇Ἁ ᴀᴁេ ┨ᱭ៥ῡ ᱣ ᜩ᥆ ⒒ẚ ⒒┸ ᓡ┈ Ꮻ≋ ៪ῡ ῵ ᱟṼ᜗ᐳ᭪ឱ┷᜗ ᴀᴁ᱗ᜀ⚈┰ᜥ ẚ᥈᱗Ἁ᳛ᜀ ᓬ ☍ẘ᢭ ᫜ὔἵ ᑂ᤻┩ ₊᭪Ꮷ ῼẤ ῞᨝ ῲ᧜ ᐑ⏀┧ἑ ᓦ᱗◃┧ᓦ᧜ ὠ┩᜗ᐳ ἔ᢮ ₺ᳺᐳ ᜥ᱗ ῴ ᫜ ὔ῭ᓦẙᑀ₊᭪ ῭ᓦẙῲảᏫ᧤ ᨟᳛ ῲ᧜ ┰ᨣ┧ᓦ ῍┰ ᫜ὔᏧ ᜥ ᶯ῭ ᓦẙἉ ᜩ┰ ῲẉᓦ᧜ ┧ᜀ  ᧤Ꮷ᧬᤻ែ᜗⚉ᐳ᳡ᨣ┷᜗ ῲẘ⚈᜚ឲ῞᥆ ᭪ឱោ ┰ᜥ ᓦ᱗ ῭ ᳟ុ‡ῴ ₊ᨧᑀ ᜜᧤ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭ ᫜ὔᜀ ῵⃜ ◆ុῡ ῴ₈┩ ‡ឱ ῵ ⃜ ◆ុῡ ┩ ‡ឱ Ả᜗ ┨ᒷ⒒᤺Ἁ Ꮷᜡ┩ ‡ឱ Ả᜗ ῲᤧ┩ ᱗ᶳῠ ẚ ᥈᱗᧜ ∃ῠ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭ ᫜ὔᏧ ᨦ៊ ῲẉᓦ ┩ ᮀᮂΌῡ ᜗ᶯ ┩᫬ ᧱Ṣ ១᧦᜗⚉ᐳᏳₚ┷᜗ ᢁ ᴀᴁ᱗ᜀ⚈┰ᜥ ẚ᥈᱗Ἁ ἔ᢮ ┷᜶ ₊᭪ ៥῭ ᓬ☍ẘ᢭ ᫜ὔἉ ᜩ┩ ẚᓢ ᘻὓῲ ↚Ἠἵ Ἠ┰Ἁ᳛ ᮣ᥌ោ ᐓΌῡ ẚ᥈᱗ἵ ᫜ὔ ᨦ៊ ṵᐚ ែ᜗ ₊᭪ ᮂ៥ῠ Ἠ┰᧜ ┆ ᐳ ᫜ὔἉᐚ ᱗ᑀ᧜ ┷ᐳ ẚ᥈᱗Ἁ ᐚឱ ῲᤩ ᱗ᶳῡ ṵ᥀᜗ ┧ἑ ᜥᶯ ῭ ῵៥ῲ Ἠ┰ἵ ┰┙᜕῞᥆ ᧬᪟ ᧤ៃẤ᜗ᐳᱭᏨ┷᜗⚉ᐳ᫔╓᜗ ῲẘ⚈ẚ᥈᭪ឱἵᜀ ᜜᧤ ᮤᱣ⃚ ⋉⑾Ꮷ῵⃜ᨦΌឱṰᜍẤᐳᐋᓦἉ ᏧῺ┩ ⒌᫰┩ ┨ᱭ៥ឱ ᧯Ṽ᜗ ῲ ᮀᮂἉᜩ┧ἑឱ┺◚ᒼ∜‡῞᥆᫑ ᫎ┪ᐓ⚉ῲ᢭᨝⚈ῲ᫬∿≘᳨᭪ឱἵ ῲẘ⃚ᜀ᱗ᶳῲṰᜏ῭►៥Ἁᜩ┰ ᨟᨟☍ ᓛ᧤ᐳ ᱣᳪ☍ ᥙ᧜ ᐾᏹ ┧᨝‡ᓜ‡῞᥆┰ᨣ┰ᘪᏧᐠ᜗⚉ᐳ Ᏻₚ┷᜗ "┻⃚Ἕᓦ $ ⚆Ἠᜁឱ ᱗ᢵᶦ᤬ᏹ⚇῭ ↙ ⑖† Ἕᱣῲ᭕῵ῡ᫲Ấ᜗ 3()ᱥᴤὌ១᢭᧬⚆Ἠᜁឱ᱗ᢵ ᶦ᤬ᏹ⚇ ᓜ᭭ ᫝ῴṰἔ≂ ᓬᜩὝ ≘ῠ ῵ ↙⑖†Ἕᱣῡᐾᏹ┷᜗ ⚆Ἠᜁឱ ᱗ᢵᶦ᤬ᏹ⚇ᜀ ⎌ᶦ᧜ ┧ ᨟ᏹ᥆᭡┧ᜀ†₺Ἁᐏ᧦ἑ ἵ ᓛ †₺᧜ ┆ ᴤ ῼᜀ ῕῵┩ ⊿⑈ ⎌⃚᧮ ᏹ᧜ ᪟᳛὞┧ᜀ ᘲ ῭ ᜱ ᨝១ᜀ ἡ≘ᮄ┻ ②⎔⃚ ᥆᧽ᶦ ១ ᢭᧬᜗ ⎌ᶦ┧᨟ᏹ᥆᭡┩᜗ᜀ↞ ᶱ┩⋺ᳯ⑈᥆ឲ ៥Ἁᐚ⎇᱗ᢵ ῡ ᫒ῠ ុᨣ῭ ᙗῲ᫪Ή⏓ῡ ὠ  ῞᥆ ┩᜗ ᫜ὔ ↙ῠὔ ᫎᓘἝ ῲ ╎ὔ៪ἷ᭠ᶸ⎅᥆Ῐῡ ᢵ┩᜗ Ἕᱣῠ ᓑἑὖ ᏳṰ⃚៥῭ ៪​ ᑀ ┬ᕴ ᏹ៥Ἁᐚ ῴᓦᏧ ᧯Ṱ ┟ ᐵ┩ ᫎᓘἝ┩┰ᘪ ἒ῭ ᨦᶬ῞ ᥆ᶯ ┩᜗ ᫎᓘἝῠ⎌ᶦ┧᨟ᏹ Ꮷ ៃᜀ ᶱ῭ †₺᧜ ┆ᓦ ῍┰ ᖂ ┢Ὄ┩ ុᥙ ᒷ᱗ ↙ῠὔ⃜᳛ ὠ ἒἉᐚ ᜗ᏧᏧ⚈ᶦ⑈ᤱᶦ ᫒ῡ ᡣ ₛ᫓Ἁ ᴀ₺ ┩ %⚉ῲ᢭᨝ ‡ᓜ ‡῞᥆ᘪ᳟᜗ ┧⃚᧮ᏹ᧜᪟᳛὞ ┧ᜀ↙ῠὔᜀ⚈ឱᜩ∜ᘻᏧἾᶴ ẘὌ%⚉᢭ᜀ ᓛᙠ῭ ⃞᪢Ἁឱ ↙Ꮿ ᐳ᪟ᶵ┧ᐚᘻ⊿ᓦᫍ᱊᜗ ⎌ᶦἵ ᏹ᧜ ៍ᤧᶽ ៊ ᱗ᢱ῭ ⑉᭢┩ ῴ ἔῲ ᫮᷍ᮀ⎩ ᑂᶵῡ ⃡⃃ᶯ⎎᜗ ῲẘ⚈ᘪᜀ ₟ ᶵ┧ᐚ ᓑἙ Ṱ⚉᢭ ᨝ ◃ ↛┧ᜀᫎᓘἝ῭᧱ῡᘡ ῞᥆‍᥍ῡᮀ᧤᨝ᓑἑ὚ῲ⒒᫓ ┩⚆ᏹᘪ┰ᘪ ᏳṰ⃚⚇Ꮷ ៪​┰ ᨦ៊῭ᶵ⌒ῡ῕᫓┩᜗ ៊᱗ᢱῠῲᘻ᳛᳛☍Ꮷᓲ὞⃚ ᨝᭭ᐣ‡ῴ᥆᧽ᶦᓦᥱἉᶯុῡ ᐍ᜗ ↙ῠὔᜀᫎᓘἝᑀὔᱚᫌἉ ᳛ ᫍⅈ ᮋẘ ᳟ ∄⚈ᶴẘ᳛ ᓛᤩ ᐍṰᜍἉὌ Ἠ┰┧ᐚ┷῞᨟ᫀṲ ┭ᜍ᜗⚉᢭᨝ ⃜ᶵ ẘ᧦ ᱗ᑀ᧜ ᐍ ᙗᐳ ῲ៥ ᱗ῲἉ Ἠᐳ Ꮷᜀ ᪚┩ ⎵ᳵῲ᭪ᜀῲ៥ῡᴩ₻ῲᐚ᧮៣ ᜗ ᱣᜩ᧜ ┺┩ ᜜᜜┩ ᫀᴀἵ ᴤ ⃁ῠ ẝᓀῠ ᓜ ⃃ ᳛᥆Ἁᐚ ₅↙ ᶦ᨝១ᜀ៊᱗ᢱ῭ᨦᶬῡ⓽╎┧ ᐳῼ᜗ Ἕᱣ ᧱ᫀ ↙ῠὔἵ⚆ᏹᘪ⚇᥆ ᭡ ┩ᫎᓘἝ῭∙ᜩ᨟ῲῲᥟẘₒ★ ᫀ᧜ ᜳ┩᜗⚆ᏹᘪ⚇῭ ᨦᶬῲ ᫃ᓦ ⃚ Ṵᜀ ៩ ↙ῠὔᜀ⚈┩ ᳟ᱭᜒ%⚉ ῲ᢭ᐳ ៃ᪣ᐳ⚆ᏹᘪ⚇ᜀ ᓛ᧜ ┺┰ ᜥ◈┩ ⓽₈ῡ ⃚ẘ ᭪ῴ᜗ ⎌ᶦ᧜ ┧᨟ᏹ᥆᭡┧ᜀᫎᓘἝᑀᏹ᧜᪟ ᳛὞┧ᜀ↙ῠὔ᱗ῲἉẘᡬᱣ◈ ៥ῲ ῵ẘᘪᐚ ៅ⃚ ῲ៥῭ ᶵᱣ⊿ ṴῠᑂᐮᏧᜳὕᓇᓡ┰⃜᜗ "╎╕᳟ᓦ $ ᱗⃜#3()⚆Ἠᜁឱ᱗ᢵᶦ᤬ᏹ⚇ ⑖†Ἕᱣ⋖∓ ᓬᓘᮥᓦ  ᓬ☍ẘ᢭ᴀᴁ᱗⚈῵⃜◆ុ┨ᒷ⒒᤺Ꮷᜡ┩‡Ảẘ⚉᫑ᫎ ᭪ῲᓛᥤ Ἂᴀ ៬ἨឱᐬᴤᏧ ᫚ ᴉᒽ ᜩᓦᶳἉ᳛ • ᜡ᫜᧜ ☃ἔ┰ ᑀ⎞ᥙ∓ᮂῡ᫒Ṽ᜗ᐳ•┰ₗ᜗ ⃚ᘭ ὡ Ἂᴀ ῕⑃ᮜ ∄ᙎἉ ᐚ ‍ោ ∜⋺⎵≗ἝᱣἉ៬ἨᏧᶳ ᘻ☃ἔῡ┧ᜀᐓ῞᥆∿≘ៃᜀᨦ ᶬῲ ⒑↚ែ᜗ 3() ᜩᓦᶳἉ᳛ ∇ ᧦⃚᧜ ἔᶬ┧ᐳ ῼᜀ ᜗᧛ ᨘ᫪᧜ ∴Ἕ┧ᐳ ῼᜀ ឱ⃃ ៬ἨᏧ ἔᓦ᧜ ᱅ẘᘻᜀ ᨦᶬῲ ᮣ∦῞᨝ ῲ◚ ᴀ ᴁ᱗ᜀ ᴤ₈ោ Ἕᱣῡ ᜗ᶯ ạ᥆១ ┷᜗ ῲ◚ ᙗ⑖⃔῭ ᫂ὠ῞᥆ ῴ┰ ☃ ἔ᱗ᐍῠ‍ₚᨣែᐳ⃚ᘭ ῵⋝᪶ ᜍ⑖Ἁ Ἣ᢭Ἢ ᓟῡ ⏇┰ ៬ἨᏧ ☃ ἔ ᱗ᶳ᥆ ῴ┩ ᑀ⎞ᥙ ∓ᮂῡ ᫒Ṽ ᜗ᜀ ᴀᶰῲ ṵ᤹ₗ᜗ Ἣ᢭Ἢ ᓟἉ ᜀ ᧬⒑ᒼ ᭪ᐍᴀ ᐍᏳ┸ុᑀ῭ ᜢ ᭡ ᘻὓῲ ⒑┬ែ῞᨝ ᧬⒑ᒼ ᭪ᐍ ᴀ ≘ῠ⚈ἔ᨟‡ ₊ᐼᫀ⎩ ῲ ᱣ῭᱗᪟ὓᐍ≀᪤ ᐾ​᫋᭫┭ὓ ឱ῭ ᐍ≀᪤ῠ ᶯ᳡ •∜Ꮷ ᓡἔᒼ ἒ῞᥆⃚₈េῼ᜗⚉ᐳ•┷᜗ ῲẘ ᑀ⎞ᥙ ∓ᮂ ᐧ₈ ᑀ₈Ἁ ᜩ ┰⚈᫚ᴉ᱗ᐍ᪤ᘻἉ᳛῭☃ἔῠᓡ ἔᒼἒ ῍᫑ ┸῍᥆ ᜥ᱗ ᫋ ᴀᴁ ᱗Ꮷ ᜍ⋸⑘ῲ Ảᜀ • ᜡ᫜᧜ ᱗ ὓ┧Ἔΰῡ ᴀᨣ┷῞ᘪ ┰ᜥ ₊┈῭ ᳨ᮂ ᳡ᨣ ᫋ Ṳᘻ᳛Ἁ ᪟ ᜍ⋸⑘Ό ῡ ⃙ᨣ┪ ᴤ Ảᜀ ᱣ◈ῲᓦἉ ᑀ⎞ ᥙ ᮀᑀ┧Ἔ᜗⚉ᐳ ᳡ᨣ┷᜗ ᜳᮄẘ ⚈ᜥ᱗ ᜀ ᐾῴ῞᥆᳛ ṿ῞᥆ ᳨ᶳ ☍ ᫱ῡ ₼ᴤ┧ᐠ᜗ᜀ ᜗⃠ᓲ⃚ ┧ Ἔΰῡ◄ῴ┷᜗⚉ᐳឝᮋἜ᜗ ┩⒇ ៬Ἠᜀ ⃚ᘭ ὡ Ἂᴀ ₈ᓘ ⃡ ẃ᫰⚆+>/9:Ἂ⃚ᶦ⑈⚇᥆ ⋢᫝ ┷῞᨝ ⃚ᘭ ὡἉᜀ ₈ὓ◃ Ꮾឲ῭ ⚆ᜳ ᪢⚇Ἁ ≂ἔ┰ ἔᓦ◆ុឱ ᖛ₼☍ ῲẘἼ᜗ "₈⃚ῠᓦ $ Ἂᴀ៬Ἠᜩᓦᶳ᳛ᶳᘻ☃ἔ♾ᑀ⎞ᥙ∓ᮂ ᱗⃜#᳛ὗᐬ₊*( ᓛᥤ *1@ ‍↛ῲ ῵Ἠ◚᳛ὗᒨ⃜ᒼἡ ᶦ ᢭ῲᮜ▼Ἁ᳛⃜┸ោᫀᜍ ⃡⚆₊ῲṨ⑫ ⏀᧤ 0),'):58?⚇ ᴜ⋧ῲᶦἉ᳛⒑⃒᧜≋┧ ᐳῼ᜗ *1@ ‍↛ῲ ឡᮑ ᙢ ᏹὡ ᧮Ἁ ᴄ᥆ ẃ ᫰ῡ ᫓᧻┩᜗ ṿ᳛ ᓛᥤἉ᳛ឱ ἑᤧ ᴤ᥇ᐴ ῡ⃛₆᧮៥᨝ΰṱ‡ἒᤦῡ⎌὞Ἢᓛᜀ  ᶱ῭∙ᴄ᥆ẃ᫰Ἁ᳛⚆‍↛ῲ᜗ὖ⚇ ₈∜᳨ῡ ᭪ἑ₽ἡ₈ῲ᜗ ῵ ᳛ὗ ᒨ⃜ᒼ ἡᶦ ᢭ῲᮜ▼Ἁ᳛ ៬ ⋧ῲ⃚*1@ ‍↛῭ ᫀᜍ ⃡⚆₊ῲṨ⑫⏀᧤ 0),'):58?⚇ ᫓᧻ ᓦᙤ ᫀ៬ẘ ᴜ⋧ῲᶦᏧ ἕ᥀᜗ ‍↛ῠ ⎔ῲ⑌ᐴ⚆╇᥆.KRRU⚇ἵ ᴤ᥇ ᐴ⚆ẘⅢ3':( ,KGZ 4GZNGTOG ⚇ ᪟ᜩ᧜᳟᭪ ῲᐳᐾុῴ⎩ᮖἉΌ┷᜗ ⃚ᘭ ᙢ ᶸᓟ ẃ᫰⚆ុ ⎌⃒ Ἢ ᜳ ᮟ ᥇*54-1/@ 54 :.+ (25)1⚇῞᥆ ឡᮑ┩ ‍↛ῠ⚆ᨮោ ᴉṰ⃚ ấឞῲἉ ᱄ )8'@? 4/-.:⚇ ⚆᱗ᢵឱ់ )[VOJ⚇ ៪⑉῕῭◆ᓦ↙ ᐳ ‍⊿ ῼᜀ ΰṱᑀ ⑵⒑ᨋᶦ᥆ ᓤ₈‡ῴ Ἁ ᙊ⃚᧜•┰Ἴ᜗Ṱὗᤧ⃚ᘭ┰Ἳ∍Ἠ᧤⃚ᙎ ១᢭᧬⚆ᶯ᧽⑗Ἁᤧ⚇᥆⎇᱗ᢵῡ᫒Ṽ᜗ ‍↛ῠ⚈⚇ᶯ᧽⑗ Ἁᤧ⚇ ῲ◚ ᜗᧛ ១᢭᧬ ∴Ἕឱ ἕᶵ☍ ┧ᐳ ῼᐳ Ἣ┰ ∪ᮀ⎩ ẘᡬ ᙫᤙ᧜ ៥᤹១᧤᨟ ⑬ᑀ ᜩ⃃ῲ ₥Ṱ┪ᓲ ᐳ᫂┧᨝ ᐴ ạឱ ἕᶵ☍ ┷᜗⚉ᐳ ᓝ◈ῡ •┷᜗ ῲẘ⚈∙ ᴄ᥆ ₺ ῴឡ ᮀᜡῲ Ṳ ោ᜗ᐳ ┧᨟ ᐋ⃢᧱ῲ᜗ ᜩ⃃῭ ᫑ῦῲ ẘᡭ⃚ ᡭ᧤ ᓦឱ┩᜗ ᓛᤧᘪ▻ ᱥ᥆ὖᨦᶬῡ᭪ἑ១ ᧧ᴤῼ᜗ᜀᱭᏨἉ᳡ᤱᐳᶱᘪᓦឱ┩᜗⚉᢭ ᐳឡᮑᴀᏮῡ•┷᜗ ‍↛ῠᓛᏩ*1@῭ᐴ⚆ᱣᱣᴁ῭ᙊ⚇ ⚆▹ ᢵῲᏧ ⅳṰἪ᜗ ;N .K[TM ⚇ ⚆ ,UX K\KX⚇ ៪ῡ ᧮៥᨝ ΰṱ᳨ῡ ⎌὞ᘪᏲ᜗ ᶱ᭪ ⚆₊ῲṨ⑫⏀᧤⚇ᜀ ‍↛ῲ ឡᮑ ᙢ ᏹὡ ᧮ Ἁ ∓ΰ ᫓᧻┧ᜀ ᴄ᥆ ẃ᫰῞᥆ ᓛᏧ *1@ ◆ុ῞᥆ ῲᥡ ᳨​ᑀ ᓛ᧮῭ ₈∜᳨ῡ ┩ᛩ Ἁ᭮ᴤῼ᜗ ‍↛ῠ⚈⚇⑫⏀᧤⚇ᜀ⚆ᐾ​⚇ῲ᢭ᜀ ᢠῲ᜗ ‍ ↛ῲᏧ ᪮Ꮷ ᧮៥ẘᏧᜀ ᐽῲ᢭ᜀ ῭ᫀ᥆ ₊ ᨧῡ ⃢ᐚ ែ᜗ ₊Ꮷ ⏑ᫎ┩ ᜚ẘ᧜ ₥Ṱ┩ ᜗ ᐳ᫂┧᜗᭪ᜍ⚆⑫⏀᧤⚇Ꮷ ᧬ΰἉ ៥ᐳ ṿ Ἁ₊ῲ᧝ῲᜍᳶῡ៷᳛⚆₊ῲṨ⑫⏀᧤⚇᢭ᐳ ◃ែ᜗ ‍↛ῠ⚈ᐮ●ῠ ᒶ​☍ Ἠᤙ •ᮀ⎩ ᧭ἔ☍ ᳪ὞Ἴ᜗⚆Ἠ ᐏ⚇ῠ ῲᫀ ᙢ •ᮀ⎩ Ꮷῲ១Ꮷ ᘪἵ ῼᜀ ᱣ⎞Ἔ᜗ ᧭ἔ☍ ᱭᏨ┧ ᜗ Ἣ┰ ∪ ↍Ἁ ẃ᫰ῡ ᘻᐳ ᶹ᜗ᐳ ◎᱗Ἁ ᧱Ṣ១᥀ᜳᜍᐮ●ῡ Ṱ᭪ ┧ᳳ᳛ ᶯ ┧ ᐚែ᜗⚉᨝⚈᱗ᶳ₊Ꮷ₈᧱ᴤឱẢῲἨ᤟ុ Ṳẃ᫰ῡᘻᐳᶹ᜗ᐳ ᧱Ṣ១᥀᜗⚉ᐳ὜Ấ᜗ ẃ᫰῭ Ꮷ​ ⎇ ⑉⅃ῠ ⎔ῲ⑌ᐴ⚆╇᥆⚇᧜ ⒑┬┰ ᴤ᥇ᐴ⚆Ἠ ᐏ5N -OXR ⚇ ⚆ẘⅢ⚇ ⚆᧤ ┛ᤱῲ8KVRG_⚇ ⚆ᶯᏩ :OSK⚇ᓲ⃚ ᨦ៊ ‍↛ ῲ ᐴ♼ ᱗┷᜗ᜀ₅ῲ᜗ ‍↛ῠ⚈᱗ᶳ⎔ῲ⑌ᐴῠ᫒῞᤹ᐳ┷᜗ ᓛ ᤧᘪ ẃ᫰ᨣῲ⚆‍↛ ᐾ​⚇ῴឡ ᘻᏧ ↞ἑ┧ ⃚Ṵῠᐴῲῼ῞᨟᳡២᤺ῲᡭẘ⃞ᐓ᏶᜗ ᜀᱭᏨῲ៥Ấ᜗ ᓛᤙ᳛☑៣ᓪ῵ᴤឱῼᐠ ⃚᧮•ᐴ  ᐴ῞᥆∄ὤ᜗⚉ᐳ᫔╓᜗ ⎔ῲ⑌ᐴ⚆╇᥆⚇ᜀ ᫔ῠ 6R[IQ ᱗ὖ១ἵ ᭕ῲᶦᏧ ₚ◃᧜ ῲᥟᜀ ᶱᶦ ⑥ ​᧙῭ ᐴῲ᜗ ‍↛ῠ⚈ῴ⑈᥆ 6RI[Q ᱗ὖ១Ꮷ᧻᤺‡ῲ᜗ Ꮷ᱗Ἁ᳛ᜀᘪ ᶱῡᴀᏹ┧ᜀᐴῲ ῲᮂ ῍ᓦᏧ᧬ΰἉ៣᜗᨟᜗᏶ῲ᙮ ὔ᧤ᜀ᪯ ᶯ᧽⑗Ἁᤧ⚾ᴄ᥆Ꮷᴤ឵ṰἪ‍↛ •ᐴ  ᐴ῞᥆ᖍ∄ὖ⚆₊ῲṨ⑫⏀᧤⚇ ᓬᓘᮥ ᓦ  For future bidding opportunities please register with the District's Online Vendor Portal which can be accessed by visiting the website then clicking the PlanetBids link. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Los Angeles Community College District (“District”) invites Design Build Entities to submit Statements of Qualification (SOQ) for the following procurement: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from Design Build Entities for Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, Construction Technology Building, Construction Services. The Construction Technology Building (CTB) is 4-stories and approximately 222,000 gross square feet including an open occupiable roof (fourth) level. It is of type 1B construction concrete structure. It will function as a teaching facility for the various construction trades and includes classrooms and construction labs, both interior and on the occupiable roof (fourth) level. The CTB building is currently partially built and the District is looking for a design-build entity (DBE) to complete the project. The DBE's design team will take over the positions of Architect of Record (AOR) and Engineers of Record. The DBE will be responsible for all elements necessary to complete the project including, but not limited to, preparation and submittal of DSA construction documents, construction quality per the construction documents, and DSA certification. How the Procurement Process for this Project will take place: This procurement process will take place in two steps: Step 1 is the instant Request for Qualifications process (“RFQ”); to be followed by Step 2, a Request for Proposal process to pre-qualified firms (“RFP”). Upon receipt and evaluation of the Statements of Qualifications (“SOQ's”) submitted in response to this RFQ, the SOQ's will be scored, evaluated and ranked with the District selecting three pre-qualified Applicant firms, designated as “Finalists”, to receive the RFP. The Finalists' proposals (including cost component) submitted in response to the RFP will then be scored, evaluated, and a successful Design Build Entity (“DBE”) will be identified for award of a Design Build Contract using a “Best Value” (qualitative) method of selection. All Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must be uploaded to the Online Vendor Portal per instructions contained in the RFQ. RFQ Documents, including instructions to Applicants, will be available to Applicants no later than September 11, 2023, at the Online Vendor Portal . Details regarding the virtual Non-Mandatory Pre SOQ Meeting can be found on the PlanetBids information tab. All questions shall be directed through the Online Vendor Portal. 9/13, 9/20/23 Design/Build Opportunity with LACCD